
The Griots of the Mandinké People

 The Djeli, also known as Griots or Jeli, are an esteemed caste within the Mandinké culture of West Africa. They are oral historians, storytellers, musicians, and genealogists who play a vital role in preserving and transmitting the history, traditions, and cultural heritage of the Mandinké people. Here is an overview of the Djeli in Mandinké culture: 1. Oral Historians and Storytellers: The Djeli are the keepers of oral history and play a central role in preserving the collective memory of the Mandinké people. They are responsible for passing down historical events, legends, myths, and ancestral wisdom through spoken word. Through their storytelling, they educate, entertain, and inspire the community. 2. Musicians and Performers: Music is an integral part of Djeli tradition. They are accomplished musicians and performers who use instruments like the kora (a 21-stringed harp-lute), balafon (a wooden xylophone), and drums to accompany their narratives. They compose and sing praise songs

The Donso of the Mandinka People

The Donsos, also known as Donzo or Donzo Ntomo, are a traditional warrior caste within the Mandinké culture of West Africa, particularly in Mali, Guinea, Senegal, and the Gambia. The Donsos hold significant cultural and historical importance and play various roles in their communities. Here is an overview of the Donsos in Mandinké culture: 1. Historical Origins: The Donsos have a rich history that dates back centuries. They trace their origins to the Mali Empire, which flourished from the 13th to the 16th century. During this period, the Mali Empire was known for its powerful military and the legendary Emperor Sundiata Keita. The Donsos were established as a specialized warrior group entrusted with protecting the empire and its people. 2. Guardians of Tradition: The Donsos serve as custodians of Mandinké traditions, cultural practices, and spiritual knowledge. They play a crucial role in preserving and passing down oral history, folklore, rituals, and ancestral customs. They are respon

Effect of Concentration of Power and Wealth in the Capitalist world and It detrimental effects on the Lowest class.

  The concentration of power and wealth in the capitalist world can have significant detrimental effects on the lowest class, exacerbating social and economic inequalities. Here are some of the key impacts: 1. Income and Wealth Inequality: The concentration of power and wealth often leads to widening income and wealth gaps. The wealthiest individuals and corporations accumulate a disproportionate share of the economic resources, while the lowest class struggles to meet their basic needs. This inequality can result in limited access to education, healthcare, and opportunities for upward mobility, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and disadvantage. 2. Limited Economic Mobility: Concentration of power and wealth can create barriers to economic mobility for the lowest class. When a small elite controls the majority of resources and opportunities, it becomes challenging for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their economic situation. Limited access to quality education, cap

Conspiracy theory and it detrimental effects on society.

Conspiracy theories are belief systems that propose secret plots or hidden agendas carried out by powerful individuals or organizations. While some conspiracy theories may have a basis in actual events, they often lack substantial evidence and rely on speculation, misinformation, or logical fallacies. The spread and acceptance of conspiracy theories can have several detrimental effects on society: 1. Erosion of Trust: Conspiracy theories can erode public trust in institutions, including government, media, and scientific authorities. When people become suspicious of mainstream sources of information, it becomes challenging to establish a shared understanding of reality. This can lead to polarization and the breakdown of social cohesion. 2. Dissemination of Misinformation: Conspiracy theories often rely on misinformation, cherry-picked evidence, or logical inconsistencies. They can spread rapidly through social media and other platforms, leading to the dissemination of false or misleadin

Key resolutions of the All African People Conference.

  "The All-African People's Conference vehemently condemns colonialism and imperialism in whatever shape or form these evils are perpetuated" The All African People's Conference (AAPC), held in Accra, Ghana, in December 1958, resulted in the adoption of several key resolutions. These resolutions reflected the concerns, aspirations, and demands of African nations and liberation movements at the time. While it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all the resolutions, here are some of the notable ones: 1. Support for Independence Movements: The AAPC expressed solidarity with African nations still under colonial rule and affirmed its support for their struggles for independence. It called for the immediate and unconditional liberation of all African territories still under foreign domination. 2. Unity and Cooperation: The conference emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation among African nations. It stressed the need to establish strong bonds of solid

The All African People Conference (AAPC)| December 1958

The All Africa People's Conference (AAPC) was a significant gathering that took place in Accra, Ghana, from December 5 to December 13, 1958. It brought together representatives from various African liberation movements, political organizations, and intellectuals. The conference aimed to discuss and strategize the path to African independence, unity, and progress. While the AAPC did not directly advocate for positivism as a specific ideology, it had a positive outlook towards Africa's progress and sought to address the challenges and aspirations of the continent.  The AAPC emphasized the principles of self-determination, anti-colonialism, and African unity. It served as a platform for African leaders and activists to voice their concerns, share experiences, and seek common solutions to the challenges faced by African nations. Key themes of the conference included the complete liberation of Africa from colonialism, the elimination of racial discrimination, economic development, a

The Disadvantages of America's Relationship with Liberia: Exploitation, Intervention, and Conflict.

By D. Solomon  K. Youhn Abstract: This essay examines the disadvantages of America's relationship with Liberia, focusing on the role of the United States in Liberia's expansion into the hinterland and the conflicts that ensued. It explores America's involvement in coup d'états and its contributions to the Liberian Civil War. The essay highlights the exploitative nature of American influence, intervention, and the adverse consequences they had on Liberia's political stability and social fabric. Introduction: America's historical ties with Liberia, a nation founded by freed African-American slaves, have had far-reaching implications. However, this essay delves into the disadvantages of this relationship, shedding light on America's role in Liberia's territorial expansion, intervention in its political affairs, and its contributions to the devastating Liberian Civil War. Follow us on Facebook   1. America's Role in Liberia's Expansion and Battles wi